Dana Minerals (DM) focuses on developing and facilitating promising resources across the world, connecting them to key markets and applications.

A team of expert mining engineers, metallurgists, and mineral economists with significant insight in metallic and industrial minerals and their markets is continuously monitoring opportunities across the planet, evaluating resources and access to key consumers. Our services include, amongst other, processing optimization, product  development, customers acquisition and development, IP protection, grants from European and National authorities, and all necessary traction needed for an efficient and successful takeoff of the business. DM offers a full service also from a sustainability point of view. We collaborate with an extensive network of academia and research institutes across Europe and source funding by European development schemes. Dana’s capacity and expertise in logistics, completes the offering to mining and  metallurgy, securing a complete mine-to-market service, fostering innovation and top-performance.

We are committed to responsibly contributing to environmental issues

Aiming to “zero-waste” mining and metallurgy, we not only find markets for the primary products, but also discover uses for secondary ones and even wastes. Our deep understanding of applications and materials gives us the possibility to valorize otherwise unusable materials, increasing the value and minimizing the environmental footprint of customer’s operations. As a fundamental resource shared between business, communities and the environment, we recognize the importance of responsibly managing water use. Consequently, we strive to protect the long-term planning and protection of the ecosystems throughout our operations. We strive to attain the resources needed to build green technologies as low-carbon corporate reality requires.